Myths vs. Reality

Does How Much You Deposit Into a Machine Impact the Payouts?

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Written by Joshua

Some think putting too much money into a machine will have an effect on a slot machine’s payouts, because the machine knows there’s more money potentially available to it.

STATUS: It has no effect.

If anything, the recent cruise I was on may have indicated otherwise – whenever I put $100 bill in, I seemingly did better than when I put in a $20, more often than not anyway.

But the reality is while a machine obviously knows how much money is deposited so it can accurately maintain a balance as wagers are made and winnings scored, it has no impact on the way the game plays or pays out.

The way a game pays is solely based on:

  • The programming of the game, and how a game is designed to pay, which is based on the math model of the game and not any external factors like balance in the game; and
  • The payback setting that a casino selects from the available choices provided by the game’s designer, usually in the realm of a half dozen choices.

There are other reasons why you may not want to put a $100 in a machine – perhaps putting $20 at a time forces a fresh decision as to whether to play on, and may encourage a bit more discipline than a $100 bill or a big ticket. Maybe you have a system that says to stop after $20 in losses. Whatever the case, that can be helpful as a bankroll management plan, but will not change what the game’s payout formula will be.

About the author


My name is Joshua, and I’m a slot enthusiast who works in tech as a marketer by day, and dabbles in casinos periodically during off-times. Know Your Slots will reflect my interests in understanding the various ways you can play slots, travel, casino promotions and how you can get the most out of your casino visits.

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